WEEK TWO : Understanding of Comics (7 points)

Week Two: Understanding comics
One of the most interesting aspects that the video pointed out was the fact that comics created a very interesting line in how the abstraction. the meaning and the stylization played a huge role in the way we perceive a message. comics explore the senses using a strong form of visual stimulation, it pushes the boundaries of what is possible to be readable and to be comprehended by the viewer.
comics are art of communication that fuses reality with art to create a unique way to deliver a message.

comics have a structure and that structure is a reflection of how the human mind works. there is a reason for that specific organization that gives us an interesting view of how we process information and how the brain can transform visual stimulation into other senses. one example of this is the sound and the hearing sense. the way the words can trigger a specific sound in our brand making us believe or feel we actually hear that sound coming from a visual stimulation proves that point.

Archies analysis:
Before taking this class I have to say I had encountered some Archie comics in my past, but not really went into reading any of them or being interested in understanding the meaning. as an artist, I feel I have always attracted to what I consider pretty or interesting and Archie was more like a reflection of some basic comic not trying to explore beauty or deep concepts. also, another factor to not be interested in this kind of comic was that my mother country wants really distributing this kind of comics at all.
after reading a couple of issues of Archie there is a clear pattern we can analyze. Archie is a reflection of the society of that era and the dilemma of a young boy growing up in between two different directions in his life. These two came in the form of possible emotional relationships. one of them representing the good wife. the proper behavior and the safe choice that will come with big rewards towards time. and the other one represents the change in the different aspects of life and how she can push him into finding things he never expected to find and like.

I found it fascinating how something like this can come as so reliable even with the pass of time. Archie is still relevant during these days because it represents a moment in the life of every person, who wants to transit from childhood to adulthood. 


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