Week 4 The comic book (3 points)

 During this week lecture we approached the basic idea and form of the comic book example. now understanding what makes a comic what it is and how many different genres can be implemented in this format. we have a opportunity to see a new strong movement on the comic history and it is the appearing of the underground comics culture. this new boom gave us the opportunity to apply all these exploration done in past times and to start understanding the market in a way better way. 

the most interesting reading I found this week as to be able to see the fantastic four storyboards. one of my favorite subjects is the pipeline of how comic books are done from the creation of the idea to the inking and coloring. I did a comic myself base mostly in the manga style. I learned about formatting and specific thing related to human psychology that involves how we process information and how we read. having the chance to see these storyboards and try to look for the original comics was an amazing experience. there is something very interesting and almost unique in matters of how an artist constructs and develops his work than keep me very interested the whole time.

the influence of underground comics changed the relationship of society with them for ever. the comics were able to become the voice of the few and bring courage back to the writers to express themselves about stronger subjects and make a difference in their culture. I feel it was almost an unstoppable case of how art will always trigger a rebellious part in the soul of the human race.


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