Week Eleven Graphic literature (9 points)

 This week's assignment was to visit the graphic literature. this subject for me was confusing at a first point because I was associating the term with graphic novels. but during the reading, I encountered that these two things are very similar and very different in matters of depth.
graphic literature is when the graphic novel became an icon of the literature and carry way more relevance to the genre than just being part of an independent graphic novel. it can be said that the titles we read this week were almost a must for anyone who likes literature for anyone who likes comics.
I choose to read the sandman by Neil Gaiman. this piece of literature was a very interesting one to me, it treats one of my favorite subjects of the human mind and gives us a very interesting introspective view of the dreamworld and the entities that ruled this fantastic world. I dead two volumes of this series, volume number one preludes and nocturnes and volume 2 the doll's house. in one we have the chance to see the beginning of our story visiting the possibility of life existing in other planets outside of earth, and meeting the gods that technically gave form to the universe. the eternal entities that represent the beginning and end of everything and existed before time itself. and in the second volume, we have the chance to see the perspective of a human who became an anomaly that was disturbing these entities for an unknown reason. the point of view of this graphic novel is very unique and visits many aspects of the human psyche that were not properly addressed before.


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