Week ten MANGA (9 points)

 This is another subject that I love and played a big part in my artistic influence. Manga played a huge role in what inspired me to start my drawings at an early age. this was because of the limitation we have in maters of tv show back in my country. the most viewed and transmitted shows for kids were somehow the ones replayed in japan like Saint Seiya, captain Tsubasa, pokemon, Digimon, dragon ball z, and many others.

this week we had the chance to read the world-famous Osamu Tezuka, a person who not only changed the comic books (manga) in japan forever but also it was the person who began with one of his most famous stories (Astroboy) the world of animation. the work I choose to read was Phoenix volume one and volume 2. in this comic we were able to see the classic Osamu Tezuka style of drawing and storytelling, but at the same time, we were able to see his early beginnings. phoenix is a very strange story but also it contains all the strong elements you can expect from the manga. from one side it has a very strong cartoony style that lightens the story a little bit too much for my taste, but then you encounter very strong desitions made by the artist to early in the comic treat subjects like mass murder, treason, mystical creatures, magic, death, and marriage.
one example of this is the dead of the main character (that's what we thought) at the beginning of the comic. just to give us another main character who ended up being a traitor responsible for the mass murder of all the characters we felt connected and emotionally close. this was very unexpected and at the same time from my perspective very interesting, nowadays with the huge amounts of ridiculous sensitive people and the cancel culture and the massive censorship, an artist dedicated to manga wouldn't sacrifice characters that can potentially become merchandise just for the developing of the plot.

I can say I loved this comic for many reasons and also I felt very conflicted with another aspect of it, one of them being the artistic desition that even though showing os very explicit scenes of violence it was very difficult to take them seriously due to the cartoony and goofy nature of the characters and their actions in prior events. another element was the humor and the jokes on the comic. it is clear that Osamu didn't have the proper guidance on these aspects and included many really bad scenes of humor in moments where instead of helping the plot made the situation very silly. 


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