Week Five: The Graphic Novel (6 points)

 This week's Reading is was about the graphic novel. it was very interesting to know more about this subject. graphic novels are way deeper than comics in many matters and the subjects treated are better developed. one of the main reasons for this is that graphic novel is created as one rounded and complete story with a proposal. On the other hand, comics had constant pressure on how they need to perform based on monthly or weekly issues. comics have the necessity to be popular and markable to be relevant.
they need to follow a specific type of publication and a timeline, these aspects didn't give the authors enough freedom at the time of molding the story. 

graphic novels capture my attention right away more than the classic comics. one example of these blankets. blankest is a fantastic novel created with a very graphic and unique style. the type of topically treated in this piece is very deep. related to family, abuse, love, friendship, and the deep transformation of the characters thru the pass of time. at least in my opinion blankets is one of the best graphic novels I ever read. the very emotion-based characters and the exaggeration of their expressions gave me a refreshing feeling of connecting with the human part of them. this factor was lacking in my opinion of the work of Will Eisner.

Will Eisner was definitely a revolutionary artist in the field of the graphic novel, his stories have a very strong cinematic atmosphere created by bold black backgrounds and an immense amount of details spread all over his panels. in my opinion his work wasn't as strong as Craig Thompson but definitely it was more revolutionary for the time.  one example of this is the novel life on another planet. where the politics and intriguing plots were slowly connecting all the characters to a very sublime climax.


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