Week seven Maus and the legitimation of comics (6 points)

 During this week's assignment, I will be discussing my experience of reading one of the most legendary and relevant comics ever created (MAUSS). this comic doesn't come just with the reading by itself but by the meaning behind it and by the context of the era. the main achievement that Mauss did was the legitimation of the comic books. it was one of the first comics that got popular to treat highly political concepts like the holocaust. at this time comics were mostly viewed from two perspectives, distractions mostly created to entertain the mind and the eyes of the kids or just irreverent jokes created for adults that discussed themes with no real impact in the society. with Mauss, all these points of views started to change and the world started to put their eyes into the possible art behind the storytelling on comics.

my experience reading Mauss was a mixture of two perspectives, the one who read barely the comic before and had an idea of what it was about and the one I developed in this class when I actually finished and read it for a second time. Mauss is a very clever example of using visual metaphors to exemplify concepts that in society would be too explicit or to political to be used from the public point of view, the usage of the cats as the dominant race trying to hunt and control the population of the mice is a clear demonstration of the point of view of the jews during the massive persecution suffered in the past.
Mauss was definitely an experience and a very strong point of discussion to prove the power of comics and their relevance in our society.


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